We asked Eva Browne, the head of the Asharoken Conservation Board, to let us know how yesterday's beach cleanup went. The event is part of a state effort to clean up the shoreline this month and document the kinds of trash found in the sand. Here is her report:
The International Coastal Cleanup in the Northport area was a huge success. We topped last years number of volunteers and we are still counting. Not all the forms have been returned yet. The 186 volunteers included Northport, East Northport, Centerport and Kings Park residents.
The following groups worked together Harborfields HS Honor Society,Centerport Garden Club,Northport Rotary Club,Eatonsneck Homemakers,Cub Scout Pack 42,Brownie Troop 1706,Weeblo Scouts and Cub Scout Pack 52.
A fabulous luncheon was donated by Auntie A's,Copenhagen Bakery,Crossroads Cafe,Maroni Cuisine,Nocello,Northport Harbor Deli,Pumpernickels Restaurant,Robkes Country Inn and the Ritz Cafe of Northport.I'll have the total weight of the garbage collected locally in a few days.
Thank you to all for a successful event.

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