Friday, August 10, 2007

Police beat: Stolent scents and broken windows

By Joy Vestal

Commack: A man was caught stealing nine bottles of men's colognes from the Kohl's store on Crooked Hill Road Thursday.

Commack: A woman at the Commack Liquor Store on Jericho Turnpike told police she was robbed Thursday. She said a man grabbed her pocketbook with $25 in it and injured her.

Commack: The owner of a 1993 Chevrolet Cavalier said it was stolen today on Commack Road.

Dix Hills: A Pheasant Run Lane resident said all three of his family's cars rear passenger windows were broken Thursday and items were stolen.

Dix Hills: Neighbors on Oakfield Avenue told police their cars were broken into Thursday. Both cars had windows broken and a iPod was stolen from one of the cars that was parked in the owner's driveway

Dix Hills: The windows on two cars on Talon Way were broken Thursday and CDs were stolen from one and the GPS unit from the other was taken.

East Northport: On Thursday, vandals spray painted letters on the front of the Connolly building on Vernon Valley Road.

East Northport: A car was broken into today on 9th Avenue and items were stolen.

Greenlawn: A car was broken into Thursday on Auburn Drive and gift cards were stolen from a pocketbook left in the auto.

Greenlawn: One homeowner on Bowden Road said her wallet was stolen from her car Thursday. A neighbor reported that CDs were stolen from her car on the same date.

Huntington Station: A woman was caught shoplifting at the K-Mart store on New York Avenue Thursday. She was held by the store security until the Suffolk police arrived and she was arrested.

Huntington Station: A man told police he was robbed today on Pulaski and Lenox Roads.

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