Nearly 100 students and parents from Stimson Middle School will participate in a cyberspace study this fall designed to measure the consistency between parent perception of their children’s Internet usage and the reality.
“No cyber study has looked at parents and kids at the same time,” said Tim Eagen, South Huntington School District’s supervisor of assessment, mathematics and science and a doctoral student at Hofstra University, who is conducting the study as part of a dissertation. “I want to determine if parents really know as much as they think they know about what their child is doing online.”
To start, Eagen said he’s been inviting parents at Stimson’s various evening events to participate. As of last week, he’d secured 50 families, who will begin by completing a confidential survey.
Being a district employee, Eagen said he chose Stimson for “convenience purposes,” while noting that 85 percent of youngsters establish regular online habits by the seventh grade.
“My ultimate goal is to improve student safety, specifically online,” said Eagen, whose project was approved by the superintendent and board of education in late August.
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